My Favorite Podcasts for Educators

My husband and I were recently discussing how much we love living in the era of the podcast. They teach us, they pass the time, and they keep us coming back for more. While cleaning the house one day, he asked me what I was listening to on my headphones. I told him it was an educational podcast and asked him why he wanted to know. He laughed and said that after all the grunting and head nodding he was half-expecting me to yell out a “Hallelujah!”

Click the links below to listen to some of my favorite podcasts about teaching and learning. I’m usually really inspired to read, research, and create when I finish a new episode.

The Shake Up Learning Show - Listen for new ways to implement fantastic tech skills for yourself and your students. I’ve learned a ton from this podcast. Kasey Bell is the creator and she is so knowledgeable about using Google in the classroom.

Truth for Teachers - I found Angela Watson a few years ago through different web searches I was doing. Honestly, I was on a deep-dive search looking for hope for the future of educating kids. Great podcast.

Teach Me, Teacher- Love a podcast, book, or blog that features actual teachers and their experiences. This one has caused me to research lots of different people and books.

Spark Creativity- Found this one while sitting by the pool this summer. There are several episodes about podcasting with students in the classroom, and I have spent many nights dreaming up what this could look like.

Send me your favorite educator podcasts and episodes!


The Charlotte Stuff


Sew On and Sew Forth